Blue and green infrastructure factsheets (traduction de fiches)

Trois fiches de la collection « Trame verte et bleue » ont été traduites en anglais. Celles-ci présentent des expériences étrangères de prise en compte de la trame verte et bleue dans les métropoles de Rome (Italie), Berlin (Allemagne) et Chicago (États-Unis).
Lien vers les versions françaises.

The blue and green infrastructure factsheets collection aims at presenting both French and foreign experiences of how these installations are implemented in towns.
Each factsheet brings out elements of method and knowledge about including this infrastructure within a project, whatever its scale, in the light of a theme or a particular aspect. They show the governance modes used by the local authorities and the local participants : scale, network, organisation of the natural and agricultural spaces, the management of continuity.
These sheets aim at helping local governments implementing their blue and green infrastructure projects, mainly through sharing experiences.

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english version

Blue and green infrastructure - Experiences of foreign cities

  • Rome, a green city - The example of Appia Antica Regional Park (March 2011, 12 pages)
  • The Chicago Park System - The example of Lake Front Park (August 2011, 16 pages)
  • Berlin, a parkland city - Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände (May 2012, 16 pages)

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